Hands and Hearts
On Saturday, November 23rd the ACC Ladies will gather at 10 AM at the Axelson house to make "no sew" baby blankets to donate to the pregnancy resource center! If you happen to have fabric scissors, please bring them along!
Ladies Christmas Party
Hey ladies! 🎄
We're excited to invite you to our annual Christmas Party on December 14 at the Smithson household! This year, we’re mixing things up with a “Favorite Things” theme. Bring one (or a few!) of your favorite items—something you love and want to share with others. We’ll do a gift exchange so that everyone will go home with another lady's favorite thing(s). Let’s keep the price around $20-$25.
And, of course, we’ll still have our cookie exchange! If you’d like to bring a plate of cookies to swap with other ladies, feel free to join in on the fun.
Can’t wait to celebrate together! 🎉